Mirror-Cube-Landscape (MCL), a commissioned piece for the group show, “Human = Landscape”, is first and foremost an art installation matching the size of the state of Vermont. Two hundred and fifty five mirrored cubes, 8 feet on a side, will reflect back images of Vermont’s landscape to residents and visitors who view some or all of the collection. The surfaces of the cubes invite a powerful and complex visual experience where a mirrored virtual reality in the cube alternates with and informs a more robust physical reality outside the cube. This may lead the viewer to a new level of consciousness concerning the environment in the vicinity of a particular cube.
MCL also has the potential of being the ‘hardware’ in a statewide system for gathering specific information about Vermont. This ‘Cube-Web’ could serve, with its constant flow of cinematic images, to awaken the viewer to fresh ideas about the Vermont landscape. Within the Cube-Web feedback system, these locally grown ideas could influence the impact of energy strategies on the visual topography, and perhaps help shape the future physical and social environment of Vermont.
Read more about Mirror-Cube-Landscape.
View a map of the sites around Vermont (PDF, 1.1 Mb) and the specs for the mirror cubes.